Dental Manikins

A complete range of dental simulators, study models and training models for hands-on practice in pre-clinical and post-graduate students’ laboratories in preventive and operative dentistry as well as fixed, removable and full prosthodontics, pediatric dentistry and orthodontics, radiology and anesthesia, endodontics, exodontia and oral surgery, oral hygiene, periodontology, gerodontology and implantology, pathology, anatomy and dental technique.

SKUProduct name LabelsProduct amount in cartPrice Add to cart
CPRPractiman CPR Manikin Single Pack Only 9 left in stock.
  • US$160
Sorry, we only have 9 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 9 of that item available
MyphantomMy Phantom - Portable Dental Manikin Case
  • US$540
Sorry, we only have 999 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 999 of that item available
NA005iTorso Dental Chair mount Manikin
  • US$610
Sorry, we only have 969 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 969 of that item available
NA005-AQMiTorso Dental Phantom Head with Advanced Articulator
  • US$900
Sorry, we only have 992 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 992 of that item available
NA244cSim dental phantom head manikin small torso
  • US$610
Sorry, we only have 994 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 994 of that item available
NA225Csim dental phantom head manikin with Rail
  • US$810
Sorry, we only have 999 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 999 of that item available
NA004iSim benchmount dental phantom head manikin
  • US$480
Sorry, we only have 934 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 934 of that item available
NA004-AQMiSim benchmount manikin with Advanced articulator
  • US$480
Sorry, we only have 936 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 936 of that item available
NAUNIiSim Universal benchmount dental phantom head manikin
  • 14% off
    • 14% off
    US$540save US$75
  • US$465
Sorry, we only have 974 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 974 of that item available
NA002iSim chair neck mount dental phantom head manikin
  • US$325
Sorry, we only have 991 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 991 of that item available
NA236iSim chair headrest dental phantom head manikin
  • US$450
Sorry, we only have 998 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 998 of that item available
NA001iPhantom Benchmount dental phantom head manikin
  • US$180
Sorry, we only have 935 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 935 of that item available
NA006ADental Typodont Mounting Pole Rod
  • US$90
Sorry, we only have 799 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 799 of that item available
NA254Anaesthesia dental phantom head manikin
  • US$720
Sorry, we only have 992 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 992 of that item available
NA252Radiology X-ray training dental manikin
  • US$900
Sorry, we only have 985 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 985 of that item available
NA258Endodontic dental phantom head manikin
  • US$360
Sorry, we only have 995 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 995 of that item available
NA256Orthodontic dental phantom head manikin
  • US$360
Sorry, we only have 999 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 999 of that item available
NA248Implant training dental phantom head manikin
  • US$480
Sorry, we only have 993 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 993 of that item available
NA261Restorative dental phantom head manikin
  • US$480
Sorry, we only have 998 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 998 of that item available
DisplayStandDental mounting rod for demonstration and display
  • US$54
Sorry, we only have 837 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 837 of that item available

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